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Heinz von Foerster 100
Organizing Institutions:
Heinz von Foerster Gesellschaft / Wien
ASC – American Society for Cybernetics
WISDOM – Wiener Institut für
  sozialwissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Methodik

Institut für Zeitgeschichte | Universität Wien
AINS – Austrian Institute for Nonlinear Studies
Ranulph Glanville

Heinz von Foerster, Artist

In Wittgenstein's Vienna, Janik and Toulmin argue that Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy should be thought of as a philosophy of ethics, in keeping with the concerns and cultural influences Wittgenstein grew up with. If this argument holds, one may wonder about Heinz von Foerster (whose family were friends of the Wittgensteins), grew up surrounded by radical artists in a more declined Vienna, 22 years after Wittgenstein.

I shall explore the role and influence of the arts and design in von Foerster's work, and discuss indications that he considered his work as much as art and design as science or philosophy. I shall also show examples of art and design works that he produced.

In so doing, I hope to open up possibilities for new studies of the life and work of Heinz von Foerster.