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Heinz von Foerster 100
Organizing Institutions:
Heinz von Foerster Gesellschaft / Wien
ASC – American Society for Cybernetics
WISDOM – Wiener Institut für
  sozialwissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Methodik

Institut für Zeitgeschichte | Universität Wien
AINS – Austrian Institute for Nonlinear Studies
Lakhdar Gaffour

Space-time and Emergence of Quantum mechanics

Department of physics, Faculty of Sciences
University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria

Quantum mechanics is one of the best theories of modern physics. Nevertheless, although it is the most successful theory, it is not without posing conceptual problems. One of these problems constituting a fundamental argument against standard quantum mechanics as complete theory is that this theory assumes a fixed background space-time. In this paper, we show that this argument is now null and the usual formulations of the theory are emergent from more general one assuming a dynamic space-time geometry. The density of probability notion is discussed. We conclude by raising the question of consequences on both special and general relativity which assume fixed space-time geometry.

Lakhdar Gaffour is currently a professor in the department of physics and research director
in the L.E.C.M. Laboratory at the university of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria. After obtaining the
DES degree and the Magister degree in physics from Sidi-Bel-Abbes University, he received
the PhD degree in physics from Ecole National Supérieure de Physique de Strasbourg and
Sidi-Bel-Abbes University.
He was a visiting research assistant at the EPFL Lausanne and ULP Strasbourg respectively in 1989 and 1990.
In 2007/2008, he was a visiting Professor at the ENSPS of Strasbourg.
He has been head of physics department and director of the Post-Graduation at Sidi-Bel-Abbes University.
His has contributed to the analytical study of dynamics and electrodynamics systems with non-stationary dimensions.
His recent work is concerned with the generalization of the standard quantum mechanics and the
possible links with general relativity.