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Heinz von Foerster 100
Organizing Institutions:
Heinz von Foerster Gesellschaft / Wien
ASC – American Society for Cybernetics
WISDOM – Wiener Institut für
  sozialwissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Methodik

Institut für Zeitgeschichte | Universität Wien
AINS – Austrian Institute for Nonlinear Studies
Andrew Beckwith

Is Octonionic Quantum Gravity relevant near the Planck Scale? – Measurement and Evalution Re-Considered

We ask if Octonionic quantum gravity [1] is a relevant consideration near the Planck scale. Furthermore, we examine whether gravitational waves would be generated during the initial phase, delta_0, of the universe when triggered by changes in spacetime geometry; i.e. what role would an increase in degrees of freedom have in setting the conditions during delta_0 , so that the result of these conditions can be observed and analyzed by a gravitational detector. Various initial scenarios are explored. Linking a shrinking prior universe via a wormhole solution for a pseudo time-dependent Wheeler-De Witt equation may permit the formation of a short-term quintessence scalar field. The wormhole solution presented helps to introduce the evolution of the vacuum expectation value (VeV). The wormhole is seen as a high energy, but zero temperature, virtual fluctuation. Among other possibilities, a de facto causal discontinuity in transfer of initial space time ‘information’ is explored and we calculate what role relic GW data may have in determining delta_0 conditions or allowing us to experimentally detect delta_0 . We give conditions for detection of delta_0 if, for example, one can isolate an appropriate first-order perturbative electromagnetic power flux, T_uv in scenarios where the graviton has a vanishingly small – but non-zero – rest mass. This paper assumes there is a non-zero 4-dimensional graviton mass since the solutions we are examining apparently contradict the correspondence principle. We contrast the above constructions with questions of when entropy and quantum mechanics fit together or agree, in the very early universe, and when and why such a fit no longer holds [2]. We hope to find traces of the breakdown of the Entropy/QM spacetime regime during delta_0 . We suppose that the quantum regime happens when Rindler (flat space) geometry occurs, at the onset of inflation, and that likely the pre-Planckian regime is when highly-curved space time occurs. We also note that increases in the degrees of freedom occur when Rindler geometry is applicable and as space time becomes flat. That change in geometry, in pre to post Planckian time scales, corresponds to a change in the Mutually Unbiased Bases for space time [2] geometry, as the early universe first evolves.

A. Beckwith 1, F.Y. Li 2, N. Yang 3, J. Dickau 4, G. Stephenson 5, L. Glinka 6

1), Chongquing University department of physics; Institute of Theoretical Physics;, American Institute of Beamed Energy Propulsion (; Seculine Consulting, USA
2), Chongquing University department of Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics
3), Chongquing University department of Physics, University of Texas at Brownsville
4), Seculine Consulting, USA
5), Independent Science researcher, advisory board of Prespacetime Journal
6), Seculine Consulting, USA